100WC Week #37 Something Unusual by Thuc Anh

It had been raining all morning and I’m still staring out of the window peacefully, watching the wind blow softly at the trees as the streets fill up slowly with water. Suddenly, something caught my eye. It looked like a tall black figure hiding between the trees in a nearby forest. It disappeared once I […]

100WC Week #37 Splashing Coke Everywhere by Ayumi

Yesterday, something fun had happened… We bought coke for world cup to drink while we watch it on TV. Everytime our country scored, we splashed coke all around in the house. Fortunately, our country team won so we were laughing loudly and we were splashing coke everywhere. Unfortunately, we had no coke left to splash […]

100WC Week #36 An American Hero by Thuc Anh

Around 90 years ago, the new president took office while the country faced poverty. He became immensely tired of his role, thinking if he just started war against the angry citizens, everything will go easy on him. He spent the rest of his presidency making a huge gun, with the functions of a canon and […]

100WC Week #36 Ceputri by Minh Anh

In 1364 a toy with a twisted barrel and a trigger at the bottom came to the land of Ceputri. One day someone put a ball inside the barrel and pulled the trigger… BOOM the ball flew out of the barrel. Soon everyone called it: Shooty Toy With A Twisted Barrel. Everyone had a fun […]

100WC Week #36 The Witch and the Gun by The Phuc

The story begin when there was a battle of a gun and a witch.Their battle was fierce and dangerous, the witch used her turn-people-into-stone magic and attacked the gun while the gun used its bullet to shoot the witch.The battle went on for months but finally the witch was fed up and used her bending […]

100WC Week #36 Gun Candy by Hyeon Song

There was a peaceful planet for the aliens. Today there was a huge challenge to make delicious candy. Bob was good at being creative so people think he is a genius. The party started, everyone was sketching but Bob had his idea ready! Bob’s idea was to make a shape like a gun and twist […]

100WC Week #35 The Lion’s Stomach by Han Young

She is in the lion’s stomach. Their is red wall and many animal’s skull and some people. She is very hungry so she asked to another people and they said “we eat apples in here” and there is some apple trees it’s not bad but she couldn’t believe that how apple tree grow in lion’s […]